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Time Well Spent

My deeply felt goals are to create a positive transformation in early childhood education by positively impacting children from immigrant families. In order to achieve a positive project in addressing challenges among immigrant families and children and develop a positive impact, I will conduct extensive research to create a better understanding of the best approaches…

Jobs and Roles in the ECE Community

The international organizations and communities of practice that appealed to me included UNICEF, Save The Children, and UNESCO. UNICEF appealed to me because it focuses on saving children and defending children’s rights, essential for fulfilling their potential (UNICEF, nd). The organization provides child protection and fosters inclusive environments for children to thrive. The most attractive…

National Early Childhood Organizations

            National early childhood organizations play an important role in fostering the well-being of children and families in general. As an early childhood professional, working with some organizations would expand my experience and quench my passion for assisting children and families experiencing different societal challenges. NAEYC, NAFCC, and Zero to Three are some of the…

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